Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Back-to-School: Jump Rope & Sidewalk Chalk...

I love this photograph which is taken from DefeatDiabetes.Org a site with a lot of useful information. One of my favorite memories of school was jumping rope. A really fun party activity would be to get a jump rope, probably a nice long one like these girls have and teach the children some of the fun old jumping rope rhymes like this one... It would also be fun to have some printed cards of the rhymes so they could take those home.

Down in the valley where the green grass grows,
There sat (name the jumper) pretty as a rose.
Up came (name a cute boy in the class)
and kissed
her on the cheek,
How many kisses did she get this week?
Count until she messes up.
There are lots of these fun little rhymes. Find many of them

Dollar store ropes would be a fun party favor.

THEN... get out the sidewalk CHAlK!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I wish the website was called Defeat type2 diabetes. As a mom of a type 1 diabetic, which cause has ZERO to do with excercise and eating right, it's frustrating when it's ALL labeled diabetes. (and lots of mom's want the name of type 1 changed because of it)

    Although this is NOT directed at you at all. It's just hard not to say something every time.

    But the picture is very cute and so it this post and blog. :)
