Monday, July 25, 2011

Married in the year of the Dragon: The Decorations...

The Chinese Wedding Ceremony is intricate and full of tradition. It is more than a wedding between two people, but a joining of two whole families and everyone is involved. THIS is a wonderful guide if you want to read about the tradition and ritual that go into a Chinese Wedding.

At some point, the bride will serve tea to her new in-laws. I love this tea cup. It's so pretty. Did you know there is an online Chinese Wedding Store... there is. And, that's a good thing because you are going to need a lot of RED wedding stuff. Red is a bold color that keeps away evil spirits. You know, I think that may be true! I grew up in a house full of red and there were no evil spirits in it ever. :)

I love the idea of double happiness! A Chinese wedding must have a double happiness banner. The banner and the tea cup are available HERE...

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